Working with MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology) to evaluate the first phase (2015-18) of their community archaeology project: the Coastal & Inter-tidal Zone Archaeological Network (CITiZAN).

Esther has worked with the CITiZAN Project Team since 2015 to design and implement a formative and summative evaluation strategy for the project. Evaluation tools have included: training, event surveys, structured interviews with participants, case studies and project observations.
The first phase of the CITiZAN Project worked across England to raise awareness of coastal and intertidal archaeology, the impact of climate change on our coastline and the archaeology that is uncovered on a daily basis in our tidal zones. The project delivered an extensive programme of outreach and engagement activities around the coast, training events, publications and an App, enabling people to add information to the historic records of our coastline. Over the course of the three years, the project has engaged with over 9000 people through outreach events, trained 580 people to use the CITiZAN monitoring tools, and reached new audiences who had not previously been involved with archaeology. The evaluation concluded that: CITiZAN has exceeded its output targets in all areas, and created a project culture in which its team of archaeologists have become active participants in public and community archaeology, sharing their experience and knowledge.